Blog’s plug-and-play AI tooling for Teams Contact Centers demonstrates clear value (without the hassle)

There’s a lot of potential for increasing productivity with an AI-supported contact center. However, organizations are also wary of investing too much time or resources in developing a customized solution – especially with no clear benefit or demonstrable value. To kick-start your AI strategy, we’re going to show you what we already offer with our AI-enhanced Teams Contact Center.

See immediate benefits from AI with

Our contact center includes some new AI-powered tooling that demonstrates clear benefits for your contact center - and puts you on a path to continuous improvement.

The capabilities detailed in this blog are ‘plug-and-play,’ so you can start to see results immediately.

There are many other ways to customize your AI integration, but with our pre-built tooling you can start to measure the productivity gains and efficiency savings from day one.


Benefit #1: WhatsApp AI translation in real-time

WhatsApp is popular with customers around the globe and it’s a convenient way to get in touch. There’s no waiting, or worries about international calling fees.

Using the high-confidence translations that large language models provide, can instantly translate messages so that all participants can engage in their native language. It’s a big improvement to the customer (and agent) experience.

Both the original language version and the translation are clearly visible in the chat, so the entire interaction is as transparent and clear as possible.



Benefit #2: Easily share conversation summaries with customers

A feature of WhatsApp conversations is that they can extend over multiple sessions, and cover a wide range of topics.

It’s natural however, that a customer may want a summary of what you’ve talked about or agreed – especially if there’s any room for doubt or uncertainty.

By simply typing the command “#summary” into the chat, the agent can trigger the contact center AI to summarize all the main points of the conversation into a single message that’s clearly labelled in the message flow.



Benefit #3: Extracting deeper insights from interactions

You can expect your Teams Contact Center to handle queries from a lot of different customers. These will come via multiple channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, voice calls and more – making it hard to extract unified insights across a scattered landscape of ‘siloed’ interactions.

With you can instruct the AI to extract all the important information and context from transcripts of all interactions (or a defined set).

This way, you can analyze issues experienced by customers, understand their sentiment, and summarize the actions taken.



Benefit #4: Updating CRM with summaries of voice calls

Voice calls often require a lot of manual tasks, especially in the after-call part.

When agents are under pressure, they may not have enough time to update the CRM, or may miss out on important information that becomes relevant later on.

By activating call transcription with your call recording solution,’s AI tooling can extract the details from voice call transcripts and save them to the CRM – all automatically.

You may need to designate caller identity in the transcript (depending on the recording solution and number of people in a call), or this can be assigned automatically with a 2-channel call recording.



Benefit #5: Instant overview of caller context

Many automated flows can be set up with, and this is further enhanced with the addition of AI.

Automations already enabled in mean that the CRM immediately recognizes the caller. Then, additional automations can bring up a last call summary, including the issue/s and resolution/s. This has a clear benefit to agents, who start each conversation with a clear understanding of the customer context.

This way, time is saved and agents are less likely to ‘drop the ball’ because of missing details.



Benefit #6: Reducing time between interactions

Our AI contact center can automate many after-call follow-up tasks that otherwise must be done manually.

This way, a lot of time is saved on every call or interaction, and there’s much less stress placed on contact center agents. Also, the possibility of errors is reduced.

Your customers will also benefit from automated follow-up tasks because each call takes less time and their wait time decreases. Queries are resolved faster, and your agents’ availability is increased.


Benefit #7: Creating a knowledge-base from interactions

Adopting a customer-centered approach is easier than ever thanks to an enhanced ability to gather knowledge of the customer, and to use this information at the right moment.

By extracting summaries, topics, issues, resolutions, and sentiments from transcriptions, your AI can create a knowledge base from all your interactions.

With some further customization, these can be used to create informative self-help articles and blog posts, or write a continuously updated FAQ list that reflects the genuinely most frequent queries alongside the real-life answers provided by agents.

Your FAQs and other knowledge content can become a resource for an AI chatbot, or you can create reports that track common issues.

You can even set up alerts when certain topics start to ‘trend,’ or give a visual overview with a word cloud.


And what else can it do?

This is just a taste of what is possible already with, and we have much more in store.

Our Teams Contact Center’s AI capabilities are under constant development, and we plan to release new ready-to-use updates in the near future.

Without giving too much away, these updates will include features that further leverage our speech-to-text integration, and may potentially draw on additional specialized capabilities.

However, the above examples should give some idea of how each voice call, WhatsApp, or other interaction can be made more efficient and valuable with the addition of our pre-built AI tooling.

Thanks to our flexible and highly customizable platform, there are also many opportunities. With you have the freedom to create unique integrations, customizations, and toolkits that assist your agents to perform at the highest level.

Want to learn more about the versatility of a Teams Contact Center? Get in touch, or download today and start your 14-day free trial.



Will AI replace customer service agents?

No. There is no substitute for the intelligence and genuine empathy of another human being, however AI will take away many of the boring and repetitive parts of customer service. This will enable customer service agents to focus on more fulfilling tasks, instead of being bogged down by manual tasks and processes.

What are the benefits of AI in contact centers?

AI greatly benefits contact centers by making them more productive and efficient. By using automated processes and AI-powered knowledge management, the contact center can offer customers a higher level of service and support more queries in the same time span.

What is AI in customer service?

AI is used in customer service to streamline the many tasks and processes involved. Examples include: the use of AI chatbots that can solve many queries without any human intervention, providing multilingual support with real-time translations, and assisting with understanding the customer context by retrieving all information relevant to the query with a simple natural language prompt.

How do I use AI in a contact center?

It is important to use AI in contact centers in a way that delivers the most value from the technology, so you must analyze where it can provide the most assistance. You also need to assess which data sources and other resources need to be integrated and how you ensure the security and privacy of your data. The first step for planning your AI contact center implementation should be to analyze which simple and repetitive manual tasks can be automated; next, you should look at ways of using AI within your existing framework to assist with knowledge management and extracting insights from your data, and finally, you should see how AI can help you serve more customers with new self-service capabilities such as chatbots, and how it can help harvest more knowledge from each interaction.


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