Faster call resolution

As well as automating many of the processes during a call (or other interaction), the Teams Contact Center also provides AI-powered tools that can further streamline and automate important after-call tasks.

The scope for this AI capability is very wide, and there are many ways that it can reduce the work required by agents, and the time required to perform them.

As a result, each call is wrapped up faster and agents can move on to help the next customer.

Making life easier for contact center agents

Because the AI used in the is a powerful large language model, it can understand the context and subjects of call transcripts and WhatsApp messages - as well as any other text-based interaction. 

This allows it to largely automate the most common after-call tasks.

If your agents are already using the AI WhatsApp summary or Voice Call Summary feature, then this information is readily available, and can be used in automated processes.

How AI can reduce time spent on after-call work

This saves a lot of time that agents otherwise spend typing-up summaries of calls, or on similar tasks. If your agents would typically add information to the CRM, for example, the AI can prepare a summary in advance and the agent can add any extra information before saving it.

Alternatively, if a ticket needs to be opened, then the AI can prepare the information needed. With a few clicks, a new ticket is created for that customer, using all the key details needed to resolve it.

All your agent needs to do is click a button, and off they go - and 80% of the work is already done for them.

These tasks may be small, but they add up to a lot of saved time over the course of a day, month, or year.


Customization and fine-tuning

Although this is an integrated part of the Teams Contact Center (and ready to use), there is some technical setup needed so that your agents will get the most benefit from advanced automations.

This ensures that the right data is available for the AI, and that automated workflows are set up to easily trigger any actions required.

You will also gain the greatest benefit when using this tool in combination with the other plug-and-play AI tooling available for the contact center solution. This increases the available information for the AI (such as call summaries from transcripts), so it can include the right data for your processes.

Streamlining customer service

This tool saves a lot of work for agents, and it’s a massive shortcut for agents.

The required data has already been captured by the AI, so it can be easily used to populate forms or tickets. It just requires the agent to select the right action, check the information, add anything else that’s needed - and that’s that.

By reducing the time spent finishing up after each call, WhatsApp chat, or other interaction, your agents can help many more customers in the same time period.

And it requires less effort to offer first-class service, so their jobs are less stressful and less repetitive.

Better quality of service

Although your customer will have already continued with the rest of their day when this tool is used, it doesn’t mean that they don’t benefit from this capability.

Because your agents can help each customer more quickly, the wait times are greatly reduced. So, your customers have already benefited from faster service than they would have received otherwise.

And when your contact center is especially busy, agents might otherwise be tempted to perform the bare minimum of after-call work so they can reduce waiting times. With this AI tool, that’s no longer an issue. Each query is given the same level of attention, regardless of call volumes.

There’s also data quality and consistency to consider. Because agents are under less pressure, they only need to take a moment to look over the information captured by the AI, instead of struggling to remember all the details themselves.

This means that customers receive better service quality, thanks to more complete and uniform data.


Start benefiting from AI-powered efficiency today

The Teams Contact Center offers a growing range of AI-powered capabilities and other tools. All of them can greatly enhance your ability to serve customers accurately and quickly.

By automating the numerous after-call work needed to wrap-up queries, agents can focus their attention on providing the best service and solutions to customers. Each call can be handled more efficiently, with the right actions or processes at the agent’s fingertips.

Furthermore, by combining this capability with the other AI-powered contact center tools available in, your contact center can ensure that customer data is efficiently captured and put to work. Data can flow seamlessly to where it’s needed to deliver value and improve customer experiences.

Want to learn more about’s other AI capabilities, or how you can start optimizing customer experiences with your Teams Contact Center? Get in touch, or book your demo.



How can you use AI in a call center or contact center? 

A call center or contact center can use AI to improve the efficiency of their operations, either by serving customer queries autonomously, or by providing a supporting role to agents. The best way to use AI in a contact center is with an integrated AI such as’s. This has been specifically designed by experts in customer contact to offer the services and support needed to increase productivity in customer service. It allows agents to create instant summaries of calls and WhatsApp chats, generate granular insights, and improve customer interactions with real-time translations and other capabilities.

What is AI customer service?

 AI is used in customer service to increase the efficiency of customer service using automated processes and AI-generated responses to customer queries. The best way of using AI in customer service is as part of an integrated contact center or call center, such as the Teams Contact Center.

How can you integrate AI with a call center?

AI holds a lot of promise for call centers and contact centers, and by integrating it carefully the call center can make significant productivity gains. However, the integrated AI must be compatible with this use-case, so it’s important to use an AI that’s specifically designed for call center or contact center operations. This way, it can offer the most useful help to agents, with automated processes that they will actually benefit from.  

How can you improve contact centers with AI?

There are various ways you can improve contact centers with AI: increased efficiency, automated customer service, AI-powered self-help, improved insights, better data capture, improved data consistency, and automated help for agents.


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