Customer Case
Customer Case

Customer case: Laspartners Multiweld

With nine locations across The Netherlands and Belgium, Laspartners Multiweld are the experts when it comes to welding. Ease of accessibility is the key to growing and maintaining a strong customer base.

The way to online communication

The need for less traditional communication was already noticed by Laspartners Multiweld. Webchat was available but lacked logging and accountability. WhatsApp was possible but somewhat inconvenient. “We had one phone we could use WhatsApp on, so there was always only one person that could answer the messages via WhatsApp. Pretty inconvenient!’’ says director Jeroen Engelen. After several months it was clearly causing problems. The phone could not be rotated and giving only one person the responsibility for the phone was not an option.

Jeroen: ‘’We already had Microsoft Teams, but we barely used it. Just like a lot of other companies, we we’re forced to use it more, due to COVID-19. And to be honest, we like it.’’ Because Teams is the most used application at Laspartners Multiweld, their IT-partner Ask Roger! recognized the opportunity to work even more efficiently with Teams.

Laspartners is ready!

With our platform, you integrate all of your communication channels within Microsoft Teams. This way, your webchat and WhatsApp all come in Teams, centralizing the organization’s communication. Laspartners Multiweld was already a customer of Ask Roger!, so they pointed our solution out to them.

‘’Our usage of Teams had already increased, but the solution also resolved the one-phone-problem of WhatsApp. More colleagues can work on WhatsApp at the same time, without a phone in between. Teams is embraced even more within the organization now.’’ Says Jeroen. Additionally, customer response is now faster and more efficient than ever because there’s no need to switch between different communication channels. in the future

At the moment, Laspartners Multiweld uses the integration without the chatbot. ‘’We’re just getting to know the system and learning how it works. We want to try everything ourselves first. For the amount of conversations we’re having at the moment, it’s not viable to add a chatbot. But if the channels will be used some more, it will definitely be considered. With an increasing amount of conversations, it can save a lot of time.’

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''Customer response is now faster and more efficient than ever because there’s no need to switch between different communication channels.''
Jeroen Engelen