Customer Case
Customer Case

Customer case: Driessen Groep

Based in Helmond, in the Dutch province of North Brabant, Driessen Groep knows the importance of keeping people happy. Each of the 14 companies in the Driessen Groep has a distinct focus, covering services such as recruitment, HR consultancy, training and personal development, and support with health and wellbeing. What they all have in common, however, is the need for a capable and reliable call center.

Putting people at the center

For over 30 years, this family of companies has been closely involved in helping people in the public sector get the most from their work. Job satisfaction is at the heart of what they do, and this goes for their own employees as well as the 15,000+ people they recruit for positions in sectors like Healthcare, Government, and Education.  

The Driessen Groep serves 1500 organizations, and has around 800 employees helping ensure public sector workers get the most from their work. As you can imagine, an organization that is so people-centered involves a lot of interaction.

Staying Connected

For this reason, it’s essential that Driessen Groep can connect people to the right agent with a single call and manage this in the most efficient way. Driessen Groep had been using their previous system for some time, but found that it required a lot of maintenance. This consumed a lot of time and resources – just to ‘keep the lights on. It was clear that the old platform was no longer suitable for their organization’s needs. The search was on for a better, modern alternative.

The ideal solution: Teams Call Center

It wasn’t long before they came across Microsoft Teams Calling. This seemed like an intriguing possibility for modernizing their system, but it didn’t offer the features needed to run an advanced call center, such as call queue visibility and management. After digging deeper, they discovered that could offer all the functionality they required.

Up and running in no time

Working closely with Interstellar (formerly Ask Roger!), Driessen Groep was able to define the precise requirements for their new call center platform. It needed to ensure they were as available as possible, and it needed to work on a single central platform that reduced the burden on staff. It also had to be familiar and intuitive to use, so staff could get started immediately without needing to learn how to work with a whole new complicated system. Getting started with was incredibly straightforward, and their new Teams Call Center was set up in practically no time. Staff found the new system easy to use, and it delivered on all the important points. In other words, the transition to the new platform was impeccable.

Looking to the future, Driessen Groep plans to take steps to integrate more client data with the platform and to find new ways to leverage its capabilities in their organization. This will lead to continued growth in the future, and help even more people get the most from their careers in the public sector.

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“I hope that in the future we’ll take even more steps towards integrating client data into the platform. We see it as a highway to growth that enables us to learn from each other, and in this manner find more ways to leverage the platform in our organization.”
Frans Coppus
ICT Director