Professional AI-powered translations for WhatsApp

Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in understanding real-world language use. This is because they’re trained on content produced by actual people who use their language as it’s really used.

By harnessing these natural-language outputs in combination with advanced translation capabilities, your contact center can help you to offer global support – with language translations that always come across as natural and professional.

This is far more accurate than a transformer-type auto translation feature; it creates translations that match the idiom and tone that your customers would expect from a native speaker.


Global support with your local talent

Let’s imagine a customer in Brazil wants support for one of your products, and your contact center is based in Germany. 

The customer sends a message to your 24/7 WhatsApp support in their native language, Portuguese.’s AI translation shows the agent the original incoming message in the Teams client, alongside their CRM data which is automatically retrieved. 

Following the original message, the AI inserts a clearly-labeled translation in German for the agent to understand.


Clarity for everyone

Thanks to the instant translation and CRM data, it’s immediately apparent what the customer’s situation is, and the agent knows exactly how to help.

So, they type in their response in German (their native language), and when they send this response, the AI sends a natural-language Portuguese translation too.

The translations are clearly marked for everyone, so there’s no deception here. The customer and agent both understand each other, and the situation is resolved rapidly via a channel that’s convenient for the customer.


Harnessing WhatsApp for global AI-powered support

Because the AI translation feature is based on text-to-text translations, the most natural use-case is for WhatsApp messages and other text-based support. However, it’s also not limited to this.

By integrating a speech-to-text and text-to-speech engine, you can create your own customized AI-powered translation for voice calls as well.

To use’s translation with WhatsApp, you need to already have this channel activated and integrated into the contact center.

But that’s about it.

This is a plug-and-play AI capability that your organization and customers can immediately benefit from.


How AI translation benefits your Teams Contact Center

Your reach is far greater with this AI translation feature. By offering customers support in their native language, your contact center can rapidly resolve queries around the world with a single team. The language abilities of your agents are therefore less important than their other expertise, as the AI can enable everyone to communicate comfortably in their own language.

Because of the high-confidence translations of this feature, there’s less possibility of confusion. This allows your agents to get right to the heart of the matter, with the additional support of knowledge from the CRM and other integrations.

You can present a professional and consistent brand image too because you’re not undermined by ‘dodgy’ mis-translations or unnatural phrasing. These kinds of mis-steps might otherwise create awkward situations or even ridicule.

As a result, you can provide the highest level of service to customers around the globe, no matter where your contact center is located or what language your agents speak.


Happier customers everywhere

Of course, the biggest win is for customers. They can get convenient support via a channel that works best for them.

WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular ways to keep in touch. It’s quick, low-cost, and fits in the palm of your hand. It allows your customers to send a quick message whenever they have a question, instead of waiting for their call to get answered.

This channel is also incredibly important for reaching key markets in fast-growing economies. Many of these countries have skipped over the ‘landline phase’ entirely, and gone straight to mobile-first social channels such as WhatsApp as their main way to keep in touch.

For this reason, global support via WhatsApp is in high demand, and your customers will appreciate the fact that you offer it.

And let’s not forget that we live in international societies – where our cities are strengthened by skilled workers from around the world. Even if a customer gets in touch from within your own country, they might appreciate being able to get support in their own language with no extra effort.

When you can offer service this good, why would your customers go anywhere else?


The combined power of a Teams Contact Center and AI

The AI translation feature is one of the most powerful capabilities you can add to your contact center, greatly extending the reach of WhatsApp so it can effortlessly support your global customer base.

But it’s also not the only AI-powered capability the Teams Contact Center offers. There are also many other plug-and-play capabilities that can immediately unlock new levels of productivity for your agents, and an almost limitless potential for customization and other integrations too.’s integrated AI can empower your agents, assist with core tasks, accelerate training, and optimize your knowledge base - and more. 

Want to learn more about’s AI capabilities, or how you can start optimizing customer experiences with your Teams Contact Center? Get in touch, or book your demo.



Will AI replace customer service?

Because there is no substitute for human experience and knowledge, AI will never fully replace human beings in the customer service sector. Instead, AI will take care of many of the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks and reduce friction in complex processes by making these simpler to trigger and populate with relevant data.

How is AI software used in customer service?

AI software is used to increase the efficiency of customer service by automating many functions such as opening support tickets, creating summaries, and automating after-call tasks. It can also generate insights from transcripts and CRM data, improving your knowledge of the customer and your ability to anticipate their needs.

How is AI used in contact centers?

AI is used in contact centers to make it easier for customers to get rapid answers to their queries via self-help tools such as chatbots and by assisting contact center agents to provide better service with translations, suggested actions, AI agent assist, and other features.

What is contact center software with AI? provides AI-powered contact center software for Teams contact centers. Its AI contact center features include translations, AI assistance, auto-suggestions, summary generation, sentiment analysis and insights extraction.

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